About CrafterFox 😉
Have you guys ever heard of Harriet Quimby? Well, I haven’t. Not until recently at least. After I found out she was the first woman to fly over the English Channel, I wondered how I have never ever in my life come across her name. Or maybe I have and have just forgotten about it. Thoughts were racing through my mind like how did she end up being an aviator? What motivated her to become one? But really, I was just impressed by the mark she has left in the world.
For some reason, human beings have always been obsessed with leaving their marks in the world (no, I am not suggesting Harriet Quimby became a pilot for the simple reason of becoming the first female aviator to fly over the English Channel), making sure they leave something behind that will make future generations go “aaww” or “wow” or just nod their heads with recognition. We all long to be appreciated and want to be remembered.
When I started writing this blog, I wasn’t really sure about where I want to go with it (well, I’m still not very clear on that to be honest) but the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that it is something that I want to do, nay, I need to do for myself. I’m not claiming to be a great writer, an expert on issues of the heart or an extraordinary teacher. But I can guarantee you, dear Reader, that I try my best to be my best in the best of possible worlds. This blog is my happy place, a place where I feel safe and yes, You are welcome to join me, contribute with ideas and comments. Please, be gentle, though for you are treading on my dreams. So, welcome to my Comfort Zone! ❤️
PS. Because it might be important to some of you to actually know a couple of things about me and my motivations, I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. I’m a book lover, an amateur illustrator and a literature enthusiast. People inspire me, especially their eyes and what I sometimes think I can feel when I see them look at the world around us. Children inspire me with the magical way they view everything this world has to offer. And literature inspires me. I love how accomplished authors play with words, paint with expressions. I love all art because, as we know, “art will always make you feel free”. So I try to create. Solely for the sake of feeling free. 😊
View and read my mind for more! 🦊