Illustrated Father’s Day Card

Every year we celebrate Mothers, but we oftentimes forget about Fathers. Their input tends to be less visible, but it is not less important than that of Mothers’. A good Father takes the time to get to know his child, pays attention to their likes and dislikes and loves their mother so that she doesn’t drive them crazy.

With this illustrated Father’s Day card I want to thank the Fathers in my life. My Father who has been nothing but 100% devoted to me and our family all my life; my Brother who has become the kind of good-hearted, patient father all children need and deserve; my Father-in-law who is an amazingly good listener and a wonderfully kind person; my funny, lovable Godfathers and my dear, sweet Uncle who is like a second father to me.

Last but not least I would like to thank my Husband, the ambitious, perseverant, ever so kind man who has been a Father long before actually getting to hold his son in his arms. He keeps me grounded and sane (at least he tries to).

I wish all children had such amazing men surrounding them. Their influence cannot be overestimated. Here’s to you, Fathers! May you feel appreciated today!

Check out some of my other Illustrations as well!